This pack contains a fun geography activity that students love - mapping their own fun fair! This social studies activity makes a great geography lesson. It's also a fantastic way to build upon ordinal directions and early mapping skills.
This easy-to-use packet includes:
- Teacher Instructions
- Geographic features (natural and built environment)
- Bird's eye view information
- Map keys and cardinal directions activities
- Recording geographic features of the Fun Fair map
- Writing ordinal directions to the location of the toilet (bathroom) on the Fun Fair map (comes with both 'toilet block' and 'bathroom' wording options)
- Student brochure of the Fun Fair - their own Fun Fair map designed by them with a key and directions to a special location.
Also comes with a 10 slide whole-class PowerPoint you can use to guide students through the lesson.
Fun Fair Mapping Activity Geography Map Making
File Info
PDF & PowerPoint 36 pages zipped file
ACARA Alignment
Location and transformation
• Describe position and movement (ACMMG010)
• interpreting the everyday language of location and direction, such as ‘between’, ‘near’, ‘next to’, ‘forward’, ‘toward’.
• following and giving simple directions to guide a friend around an obstacle path and vice versa.
YEAR 1 – Maths
Location and transformation
• give and follow directions to familiar locations
• understanding that people need to give and follow directions to and from a place, and that this involves turns, direction and distance.
• understanding the meaning and importance of words such as ‘clockwise’, ‘anticlockwise’, ‘forward’ and ‘under’ when giving and following directions.
• interpreting and following directions around familiar locations.
•They represent the location of different places and their features on labelled maps and present findings in a range of texts and use everyday language to describe direction and location.