In the busy world of early childhood education, fostering a love for numbers and mathematics lays a crucial foundation for future learning. A classroom routine of "Number of the Day" can help Kindergarten and First-Grade students build strong number sense skills.
Remember, always move from the concrete (physical objects) to the abstract when teaching new concepts.
Getting Started
Selecting the Number: Begin by choosing the "Number of the Day." This could be based on a sequential order, random selection, or a theme-related number (like choosing 100 during the 100th day of school).
Morning Routine: Introduce the number at the start of the day. Display it prominently on a board or chart that all students can see. Make this routine part of your classroom schedule.
Find the Number: Encourage students to find the number in the classroom (e.g., on a calendar or door number).
Subitising: Learning to read a dot arrangement of numbers (such as with dice) helps children understand basic arithmetic concepts, such as addition and subtraction, by recognising groups and combining them mentally.
Counting: Start with counting exercises related to the number. For example, if the number is 7, count to 7 together as a class. Explore different ways to represent 7 (e.g., tally marks, fingers, objects).
Place Value: Begin with ones and tens and work towards hundreds. Use the example of 'belonging' to explore where pieces of MAB blocks 'live' (e.g., 'The ones live in the ones house, just like the Smiths live in the Smith house or the Jones live in the Jones house'). An early introduction to Place Value can help build a conceptual understanding of the base ten systems.
Number Bonds: Break down the number using number bonds. For instance, for the number 8, explore pairs that add up to 8 (1+7, 2+6, etc.).
Number Lines: Introduce number lines to sequence numbers in the correct order.
Draw it out: Draw a number of objects for that number.
Ten Frames: Introduce the concept of ten frames to introduce the base 10 counting concept.
Math Journals: Have students maintain a math journal where they draw the number of the day, write its name, and create their own number sentences.
One of the benefits of “Number of the Day” is that it caters for differentiated learning by building confidence in number sense and mathematically proficient learners.
Kindergarten and First Grade Math Number of the Day ideas below...